Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Please let me know if you have one for sale.

Thank you

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Yes They seem very elusive I just love the way they look I want one sooooo bad.
What do you think one would cost if I found one?
Gee I would love to get one of those in Red They are so beautiful ! Does anyone Know where one can be found or some other model that it similar in design?
Hello Astrobaby If you happened to hear of one for sale please let me know.
Thank you
Thank You for that photo Bohdan .
The Impereial has a nice shape to it also the sheer size of it will grab ones attention without fail.
I wonder how long it would take to warm it up to get a nice flow going?
Vintage lava lamps really peak my intrest.
Weebs got one way back when, made the road trip with Dan (Oozehound), who he hadn't met yet. Beautiful piece, too!
It seems Like the only way to get one is to pick it up your self.
These might get damaged if shipped.
But well worth the trip I'm sure.
Yeah, I would make a trip out of picking one up. Enjoy the local sites and what not. I would DEFINITELY not trust shipping. No matter how good someone can pack. The sheer size and weight alone would be terrible.

Good luck on your quest!
Thanks Kris,
I will be on the look out for one of these King Sized Lavas.
If anyone outhere see's one for sale Please drop me a line.
Thank you Very Much
What makes some Lava lamps look so cloudy? It seems like the vintage ones have a cloudy look to them.
Is there any way to fix them maybe poor out the old and replace it with new goo?
Thanks Bohdan I just never knew what Kind of wax is used in these lamps.
Also I was told that they should never be opened.
Opening them also causes air to get inside causing a adverse reaction to the contents resulting in a cloudy apperance.
Actually Vix, the trip was made with me. I emailed Weebs (during the auction) and told him that my highest bid was $1,200 and I was not going to go any higher therefore I would not be competing against him (those days, ebay had peoples' ID on the bids, and I found his pedigree.) He bought it, I picked him up and we drove to Philly to grab it. We became instant friends. Do I regret it? Sometimes, however, it was a hard sell to the Mrs. And Weebs really wanted it. Now, I would pay up to $1,500 or better for one. I am in a better financial place now then I was 3 years ago. Weebs sold it (after I declined to buy it from him) several years later to another member of this group. It is in good hands.
Isn't there a hole in the top cap of an Imperial to let the air out when it's heating up? I thought it was exposed or something?

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