Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

is this a sign that the lava has been run too much? it flows great but just wondering.

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it's much thicker and not "smooth" looking like normal lava
well it isn't right i don't think, just fired up another mathmos lamps and it has the same issue, flows fine though. i've also seen this is some of my american lamps

i will try to take a close up picture
looks rather ordinary and ok to me - certainly flowing nicely.
Do you mean that it is not as glossy? has lost its "shine"? or by powdery to you mean that there are particles of unmelted wax in the goo? either way it doesn't seem to have effected the flow.
can they lose their shine? the lava appears to be thicker as well, yes they flow fine but....: )
indeed - i seem to have fixed the old bottle i got with my boot sale aquisition ( has a strange metal mesh at the bottom rather than a spring ), i now notice the wax has a texture visible in it rather than a shiny smooth surface - doesn't stop it working though,
Sounds like a refurbished globe. The Goo Kit instruction pamphlet shows a metal screen even though they give you a coil.

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