Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I mean other than how much it'll cost. :-/

A long time ago, I realized that the glitter liquid in these lamps was mostly water and glycerine, but there was a third thing that eluded me...and I tried a bunch of things.

Then I see that there is a new sticker on the bottom of the lamps, which wasn't on either of the ones I had found before.

Hey! That's it! Now I just have to find out how to order some. :)

Also, there was one box which only had 2 lamps in it, so the rest of the space inside was filled with scrap cardboard boxes...like this one:

I knew Kenart had some pretty high profile clients, like Washington Mutual and JCPenny, but Lavalite? Apparently kenart was producing lamps for them. Another box said "Target Stores"...I'll bet it's that new lamp they've been selling. Who knew?

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There aren't a lot of factories that make lava lamps in China. Almost every lamp comes from the same small bunch of factories and lava lite uses 3 of them so it is no surprise that the factory that made your lamps also makes lava lite lamps.

I knew that Lavalite used more than one factory, but it still surprised me that the one I ordered from was one of the three.

But whatever I guess.

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