Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I have a vintage squiggle cap globe that i got a while ago, it looks like a yellow/orange, but the liquid is cloudy as sin. ive tried cycling it, and leaving it off, but nothing seems to fix it. im debating on dumping it, but i hate dumping vintage lava.

anyone have any ideas? or should i proceed with the dumping..

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how long did you cycle it for and on what schedule, because i started cycling a orange yellow a month ago and it is just starting to get clear. i did 2 hours on and 4 off.
i was doing 8 hours on 8 off, then i went to 4 on and 4 off. that lasted about a month, then i left it for about 2 months, didnt touch it, and its stayed the same. it looks like a tequila sunrise when its running lol
try 2 on 4 off. after a month I stopped cycling it and payed more attention to my consort and then i looked at it a few days ago and it was clearing up so now i just run it once a day. I left it for a week in my basement and it didn't do anything good, actually it made the lamp stick to the globe for the next few runs. if you do 2 on 4 off you have to have the low wax level century (1960s). good luck, and if you have any more questions i will answer them

Older lamps tend to filter well. That is as long as they arent consorts. If your going to dump it you should at least consider storing it until you can filter it.


how would i go about filtering it? ive been told brita filters are a bad choice


You need to find a filter with the blue top. The red top includes a carbon filter which can absorb chemicals and ruin the lamp. I am looking online for one, but I cant seem to find any for sale.

alright, i will keep my eye out for one. thanks Autumn :)

i have it running right now, and the lava doesnt seem to be moving from the bottom of the globe. its doing the goose egg thing.

chuck the master fluid away and put fresh in, distilled water and epsom salts
Could do but i think filtering it would be the best option

krissyfromswindon said:
chuck the master fluid away and put fresh in, distilled water and epsom salts
Chris, does this work on Mathmos lamps ?

krissyfromswindon said:
chuck the master fluid away and put fresh in, distilled water and epsom salts

Hello the Pur water filters are from Lowe's. That's the blue one. They work pretty good but the fluids of the lava lamp will shorten the life of the filter. I use the heck out of these. Just make sure the wax is cold.


Can you post a link to the specific product you're talking about?

matt01165 said:

Hello the Pur water filters are from Lowe's. That's the blue one. They work pretty good but the fluids of the lava lamp will shorten the life of the filter. I use the heck out of these. Just make sure the wax is cold.


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