Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Todays Letgo score for 40.00 NEW in Box - Wonder Woman

Todays Letgo score for 40.00 NEW in Box - Wonder Woman.  It just keeps getting better and better using Letgo.  Does anyone use Ebay anymore? I'm going broke on Letgo from all the great finds.  

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She's now flowing beautifully.  I have another Wonder Woman lamp I purchased on Ebay for 125.00 - Free Shipping. Seller on Letgo was asking 45.00.  I countered with 40.00 and the lamp was SOLD.  Picked it up twenty minutes later. I think it's so groovy to fire up a lamp that's been sitting around in unopened box for so long.  It's like the lamps been waiting all this time to shine. 

That u=is one hell of a deal

great score. letgo for me lately has been dry other than the elvis lamp I got recently.

Put some video up!!!

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