Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Hi all

I don't know weather this has been tried before but I just want to know if anyone would be interested in some sort of get together.

I have looked at where the UK regulars are based and apart from those in the north most of us are mid - south cost region of the UK. Based on this I think that the best place to meet would be Reading as this would be the easiest place for those in the south to get to.

I don't know what you think about this - any suggestions???

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Nice idea Tim and it has crossed my mind before. Central London or Bedford would be as far as I would want to travel for a meet up, Reading is a bit to too far for me. Lets see what other members think !

If enough members are interested I could stretch it to south M25 Leatherhead or Redhill ! or going north, Nottingham at a push!

Aladdin 2 Lava said:

Nice idea Tim and it has crossed my mind before. Central London or Bedford would be as far as I would want to travel for a meet up, Reading is a bit to too far for me. Lets see what other members think !

London could be a possable - that is reletive central and easy for most to get to

That would be good for me. Camden Lock is cool, I could show everyone where the Astrolamp stall used to be in the market !


Good times for me too Tim, albeit a good 25yrs ago !!! I belive Camden Lock market was where Cressida Granger and partner had their Astrolamp stall back in the 80s... pre Mathmos, I remember said stall very well but I am no expert on the history.

Tim Gill said:

Yea I like camden lock as well, i have had some intresting times down there (mostly good ones)

It is part of lava history as this is the place where hagerty meet craven walker and started deals for the US rights or is it somthing else about how cretsworth became mathmos.

Aladdin 2 Lava said:

That would be good for me. Camden Lock is cool, I could show everyone where the Astrolamp stall used to be in the market !


I'd be there..... There's just a passport and international flight over large body of water! At great heights! Too bad the concord don't fly anymore...
Come over to Hong Kong.
I'd love to see china!

Guess its not gonna happen Tim, the British reserve eh !


Lets go  global !.... Iceland anyone....lol.

Krakatoa anyone.... lol.

I will meet you guys anywhere in the world that you send me a first class ticket for.


Nottingham next time I travel to the UK.

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