Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Hi all

I don't know weather this has been tried before but I just want to know if anyone would be interested in some sort of get together.

I have looked at where the UK regulars are based and apart from those in the north most of us are mid - south cost region of the UK. Based on this I think that the best place to meet would be Reading as this would be the easiest place for those in the south to get to.

I don't know what you think about this - any suggestions???

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If I go the the UK I am heading for Mathmos headquarters.

I so wanted to do that last time I was there, but would have been a super long trip from Nottingham.  And you can have your 1st class ticket BTW.  I'll take a ticket on the QE2.  Should have no problem getting lamps home that way. 

Critter said:

If I go the the UK I am heading for Mathmos headquarters.
Well get me a ticket too for the QE 2 and I will be your "Heat" and make sure all your (and my) lamps are well protected.

The OG QE2 private charter.  Docking in Poole England! lol

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