Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

hi all

i sold a new mathmos lava lamp on eBay posted to the usa as i have done many times before 

and I'm being told it dose not work the wax is spent and he wants a refund

this lamp was new and had never been out of the box 

could this be a power thing or just needing a higher watt bulb as i have no idea what to tell him 

thanks if you can help

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If it's a new lamp (last few years) there's a good chance it'll have the mini GU10 style of bulb, pretty sure they should be available in US in 110V variants. If he's only getting 110V (or lower) instead of 115V or 120V,  he might need to step up the wattage slightly to compensate.

The other Possibility is that now he's received it he may have decided he doesn't really want it after all (or that he didn't clear it with the SO and they've said no) and is trying tricks to make you take it back (and pay the postage).

Another option if he insists it's coming back is to ask in the group if there's anyone in US that's willing to take it and work out the difficulties - this would a) get over the initial issue that he doesn't want it and b) give someone in the group a chance to get a Mathmos with a bit less hassle on postage. I'm assuming between members of the group we can sort out the financials on this.


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