Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Hey everyone..

I just happened into the Mathmos USA site today and noticed they are taking orders for the Telstar Rocket lamps and estimated to start shipping August 15th.


Color changing lamps are on the site too, but no price shown yet.

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The globe of a astrobaby / telstar is about 32oz but I am not entirly sure. the size of the astrobay globe and a LL 32oz is compleatly diffrent.

The astro globe is about the same size as a LL 52oz

The astrobaby globe is about 28-30 oz.
Great. Thanks for the info. That is steep. But a good quality lamp could be worth it. Kind of makes me wonder how much the astros are going to be sold for? $200???
Are these lamps worth it though? I have heard good things but I don't know much about them.
The lamps are worth owning. They are the best of the best. They have to be the best considering how much they charge. I still think they are over priced though. Until they drop their prices I will buy on ebay instead.
Sounds good. Going to have to buy one then. I think the astros would be worth the wait.
Ya still no matter where u buy it be well over 100$ after shipping sadly.

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