Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

A friend sent me a green/blue Astro bottle with the words "maybe you can fix it".

He had added a bit of magmatower wax dye so it was a bit darker and when I got it the wax stuck to the glass. Not very much but enough to annoy me. so first I made some clear MF for it and then transfered

the contents to a clean bottle as this usually solves any sticking problems. Not this time. I made the transfer 3 times and it got worse amd worse untill I got so fed up with it that I decided to give up and pour the contents into a container and get rid of it. To get out of the bottle all at once I shook it as usually this causes the mix to become an emulsion which can be poured out of the bottle without leaving a waxy mess inside. I was very surprised to see that the wax if this piece of work would not mix with the MF at all...no matter how hard I shook it, the wax just smeared around and formed a lump ...what kind of new mixture is this? This is the worst formula EVER. This made me decide once and for all not to buy ANY new mathmos bottle ever again until they realise how crappy their products have become and go back to the formula they've used earlier. This seems like some sort of gum but not like anything I am willing to spend even a single euro for.

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And whats this white crap supposed to be!?

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