Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

So even with the knowledge I have sadly learned on newly manufactured lava lamps now a days is crap. I bought a Mini Lava Rocket..Regardless,  I for one am sick of it. I as most of working people all over the world are tired  of busting our butts to pay house bills, insurances and medical bills and food/fuel. So the little or big things we treat ourselves  to that we hope will give to us a lifetime of enjoyment and maybe be passed on down to our children or hey if needed resold has ceased to exist.  Many items now.. like our lava lamps are suffering due to corporate greed, lack or concern of quality control and final product. And heck why not... now they got us by the ____ and selling us this crap has us buying goo kits too. where does it end... so out of pure frustration and a heed to others who wont be buying this lamp with prior knowledge to its inability to perform without further investment of a spare bottle or goo kit. They are laughing all the way to the bank with our hard earned checks filling it. This was my review on the Mini lava Rocket. 



attached is photo of mini rocket

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The fact is that the majority of lava lamp sales from lava world go to unsuspecting customers who don't really understand what they are getting. They may not care about what the lamp should be like or because its so cheap it might not be worth it taking it back, complaining and finding a better alternative etc, - that's the kind of people who the retailers are focusing on.

The other thing that is quite funny is that peace lamps are achlie better out of the box then lava world ones and are cheaper, - yes they will over heat quickly but at least they ant cloudy and they do flow more.

As for Mathmos I expect that if they are investing to sell to the US then part of this investment would be on changing the wiring for the US customers and putting in the required distribution - i.e. shipping by the container load, warehousing etc. As for parts Mathmos have always been big on supplying replacements for there main lamps and its there philosophy that there lamps can be kept going so parts will probably be shipped over to the US as well.

Exactly people see a brand name like lava lite and they think back to the days gone by when they had one in high school. Not having a clue what they are really buying now oppose to what the had back then. And as for Mathmos parts, I've emailed them twice and I never got a response from them so I'll just wait it out until they start to sell in the US.

Tim Gill said:

The fact is that the majority of lava lamp sales from lava world go to unsuspecting customers who don't really understand what they are getting. They may not care about what the lamp should be like or because its so cheap it might not be worth it taking it back, complaining and finding a better alternative etc, - that's the kind of people who the retailers are focusing on.

The other thing that is quite funny is that peace lamps are achlie better out of the box then lava world ones and are cheaper, - yes they will over heat quickly but at least they ant cloudy and they do flow more.

As for Mathmos I expect that if they are investing to sell to the US then part of this investment would be on changing the wiring for the US customers and putting in the required distribution - i.e. shipping by the container load, warehousing etc. As for parts Mathmos have always been big on supplying replacements for there main lamps and its there philosophy that there lamps can be kept going so parts will probably be shipped over to the US as well.

Ya know I read every reply to every reply and its been a wonderful learning experience. Certain subjects bring out and rightly so our ugly sides. This business of mass producing , marketing , with the end result in people from ALL over the globe purchasing them could be the setting for a crude and volatile discussion possibly even igniting lava heads themselves to disagree  instead we have an intelligent and mutual stance , and still see hope for our future lamps . Thank you for a wonderful and enlightening conversation...

Kiramarie y Doel

Yes, it is pleasant to see the tone of this discussion.  We have had this topic covered before the new lamps came out and it was anything but pleasant.  I am glad that everyone posting has been decent and not harsh.

kiramarie said:

Ya know I read every reply to every reply and its been a wonderful learning experience. Certain subjects bring out and rightly so our ugly sides. This business of mass producing , marketing , with the end result in people from ALL over the globe purchasing them could be the setting for a crude and volatile discussion possibly even igniting lava heads themselves to disagree  instead we have an intelligent and mutual stance , and still see hope for our future lamps . Thank you for a wonderful and enlightening conversation...

Kiramarie y Doel

Thanks Keith.. I had to wonder if I opened a bad can of worms...

Mathmos and depending on your personal experience a few others along with goo kits..might be for at least a short time our only hope .. at least until another manufacturing these lamps  figures it out  and fattens they're bank accounts with a formula that flows as intended as well as quality made lamp base too . Conversions and Creations are fantastic but would always welcome new additions from others as well, but not until they fix it ..not one more dollar..

Yes he should Have. I hope it does make them sort out Their product!

krissyfromswindon said:
should of bought a mathmos, good quality, good customer service, a little bit pricey agreed, i think they are now available over there in the usa, this may urge the lava brand boys sort there product out, as it is a volatile market place
I hope it does make them sort out Their product!
Possablie but it all depends on how well they sell and if they even care at all now. - If there sales of lava lamps go badly due to Mathmos then they have 2 choices really - dig out the old formula (from the US times) or just forget lava lamps and make toys like lava lamps and let Mathmos take over the market and i have to say if that's the case then it would be a real shame.

Great point... I guess I am counting on their greed to be the driving force of them getting it right.. But yes the recipe  see thats what just rattles my cage... there exists a formula that works... i dont see how it can be any more cost effective by not using it..   Maybe I should call Dateline NBC on them... and they can be exposed...lol.

I am already under debate on when Mathmos does come and if they do sell lava lamps because now I am hearing rumors that lava wont be available... could this be true..

 we all seem to be under agreement we wont get the same price the UK does, so do i pursue ebay UK and do the electrical conversion my own self..I have been talking to a few seller in UK that seem willing to work with me.. I mean look at the great (at least to me) deal on my new glitter. That Arne told me was a French Glitter and they also made a version in black that is similar to a jets base. So for $50.00 with shipping I surely have no complaints.. Not that all sellers will be so inclined to be the same. but I will at least try to create a window of options

The fact that this entire thread was unknown to me speaks volumes.  Back in the day...


I foresee the Astro being quite costly - I would say about $90.  Its priced at $51.99 (pounds) on Electric Planet which converts to about $85 USD.  Wouldn't you expect a USA made Century to sell for about the same though?  If a 32 ounce Silver Streak sold for $55 - $60 15 years ago, that would put a Century right about there (especially if chromed out).


It would be a shame if Lava Lite ceased being, but in all honesty they have ceased being for several years now.  I suppose only the board members know what direction the company will take in this regard.  Maybe it does hinge on the success of Mathmos at a higher price point.  If its a smash hit maybe we will see an attempt to try to cash in. 


But what would a miraculous return of the old formula for Lava Lite mean.  Short term yay!, it flows the way a lava lamp should flow.  Long term though?  Do I really want to support a company that knowingly sacrificed the quality of their product in this way?

wow.. and really you just hit home with it  .... if they turned their backs on its collectors and enthusiasts and as you said essentially they scarified not only the quality of its final product but the companies integrity as well.

So... even if they put a product worthy back out.. are they worthy of us all of a sudden going crazy and giving them our hard earned dollars again... that is a question we wont for at least the moment have to confront.

There are principals involved here for the fact they know the issues, and have heard our complaints both public and private.

Happened across these at my local Bed Bath and BEYOND yesterday... alongside it were the new blue based 32 oz. Aquarium lamp and the new Midnight 32oz. plasma lamp. As you can see from the pictures crystal clear leaving me again to wonder if these lamps are okay if shipped in bundles by skid... conveniently enough, they did not have the floor model running, so my jury is still out. Moral of the story, better to buy in store than online. ALSO, I was quite amused by their second re-design of the packaging and for some reason I am slightly reminded of Mathmos boxes... thoughts?
What's funny to me is that the actual lamp and image on the box don't quite match up. LOL Why do they use so many mock-ups? I mean people are going to find out eventually! LOL

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