Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I've scored a black clear/red Jet from a charity shop but the heat shield that should be in the base is missing.

If there is anyone in the UK that has a beat up base that would be willing to send me the shield I am more than happy to pay for it and p&p.

Its a later plastic model.


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I have one....but in the usa

Morning bump.

Sugar the pill why don’t ya Trevor… lol.



Nobody likes me...boo hoo.... I only wanted a heat shield... Sob sob...

Lol the shipping would cost as much as the jet lol. But pete would owe me......muhahahahah Mathmos!

Bumperty bump....

Anytime 'Fluidium man'.

Mmmm.. nope its a cylindrical piece of  Bakolite type doohickey thing...

Panic over... I've bolloked my clear/green base. !

LOL, Pete, what a description!!!   Does that last part mean you tore up your clear/green base to rob it of its heat shield?  :-)


Naah... just swopped the bases over...Drama Queen or what ... lol.

ROFLOL, Pete!!!!   That "was" a bit dramatic there!!  LOL   I thought you trashed another good base for the heat shield......  :-)

As Deb said Better to be ridiculous than boring zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

I agree 100%%%%%%, LOL.   I don't think any of us are boring!!   :-)

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