Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Does anyone know what size or shape the pacifica really was, or have a picture. I read some where on "ozzinggoo" it was but 22" long and 4" around but that is the same as the atlantis.

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Cool thanks for the response. So it was square, but longer ? Crazy stuff, I don't think I ever remember seeing one of those. I think I seen a dual type one before at spencers when I was younger, and a alantis somewhere else. But now that im trying to do some research on em its hard as _____ to find anything especially pictures of any of them. If you did have a pic please post it, that would be awsome. Wow 530.00!!
Gotta hop in... There were two "giant wave" models:
The Atlantis 2001 was 22" long with a 4" dia. wave tube. The Pacifica 5001 was 30" long with a 5" dia. wave tube.
Both had a completely transparent, cylindrical wave tube, with the bubble-trap built into one end but still clear. This attached into the base with a transparent block support. The bases were rectangular but with all four sides bowed outward, and a concave trough horizontally in the top to allow the tube to rock. They were available without, or with (models 2002 and 5002) a pair of internal electric lights and wave sound with volume control. I believe these first appeared around 1993.

The only Wave I've seen that's BIG but had a silver base was a "Surf, Sight & Sound", a lighted, wave-sound unit that was sold through Sharper Image in the early 90s. This was NOT a Lava brand product.

Other Lava brand Wave units were the Adriatic 16 (16", early models chrome, later black) and Caribbean 18 (18", early models chrome, later black). The SoundWave 1800 was a Caribbean with an added sound module (with tone and volume controls) mounted under the base - early SoundWaves had blacklight-responsive fluid. There was also a 7" hand-held Wave with black end caps.

Late 90s models included the following Adriatic-type models:
Pink liquid on top of yellow waves (test model, not fully released)
Black Light Wave 16F (pink waves with yellow liquid above, fluoresces purple/green)
Multicolor Wave - green waves with purple above (968) or blue waves with red above (972)
Dual Wave Machine: a pair of cylindrical tubes with black end caps, one above the other; top, pink waves with yellow, bottom blue waves with clear. These sway in front of a tall, widely-flared black base with a rectangular footprint. Model 16DT was as described, while model 1600DT had an added 'crest' atop the base, reaching up and over the tubes, turning the base into a wave shape. This 'crest' contained downlights and the wave sound module.

Bohdan, if you see that Surf, Sight & Sound again (or whatever it was - I could very well be wrong) GRAB IT! :)
Again thank for the response ( the knowledge ) guy's. I found a Atlantis on ebay a few years back and bought it but the tube part of it got destroyed by the x-wife. So I'am on a mission to rebuild, or find a new one. So "Jonas Clark-Elliott" was the Pacifica 5001 base the exact same as the Atlantis or was it just the same shape but bigger to compensate for the larger tube. P.S. Does ANYONE have a picture of a Pacifica I dont believe I have ever seen one, it would seem that it's like bigfoot or the loch ness monster lol.
I'll see if I can get a copy of the catalog scanned. I was an idiot and didn't do backups for a few months (forgot - my memory really sucks at times) and my HD's directory got corrupted, so my scans are stuck on there.

The Pacifica did have a noticeably larger base. Does yours have light/sound? And do you mind saying what, exactly, became of the vessel? Not sure about building a new one: no one I've met has ever figured out what the two liquids are, exactly. If anyone here has the ability to really examine them and determine their exact identity, I'll donate fluid from a damaged Wave vessel.
Cool, yeah if you could scan a picture I would love to see it. Yes mine has the light and sound base. No I don't care at all, I love to tell the story lol. When I got it back the end had been broken off with a small bit of the side broken off. Well being crafty and determined I did my homework and found some "plastic glue" and a website that explained how to make your own wave machine. So I bought sevral bottles of baby / mineral oil and alcohol , o and a couple drops of food coloring ( the web site said use alcohol or water ). I figured water might over time turn green or something so I used the alcohol insteed. Well it worked great, I was super happy that I had fixed my prized wave machine. Sadly over the next few months I began to see somthing happen weird ??? I soon realized after close examination that the bottom half of the vessal had become white and mushy!! THE ALCOHOL HAD BEEN EATING MY WAVE. Sadly I had to throw it away it had gotten so bad that it had started to leak in sevral places and the bottom half was alot like play doh.

I finally have gotten the money and the time I just ordered a 4" tube of acylic and I'am going to try use the oil and ( distilled ) water this time to see if I can remake the vessel part. Im still not 100% sure how I will have it rest in the base,( due to how the original has that half pipe / fill hole / thing on the bottom that sets in between the rocking arm.) thinking maby just velcro strips lol. I read somewhere that silicone oil and water is what was put in them from the factory. Having trouble finding what exact kind of silicone oil and where to buy it. But the first time I did it the plain old baby oil worked great. Agreed I would love to know someone that could examine fluids and tell us the make up for sure.
So where you able to find a pic of the catalog i would love to see a Pacifica wave or any other of the gaints mentioned above ( other than the Atlantis ) It seems like there one the most elusive things on earth to have been mass preduced just a couple decades ago lol.
I've had one Wave break and another leak, and whatever is in there has a strong petroleum odor.
I wish there was a way to search for a patent from lava so we know what was really in a wave. Assuming it tells that info too.
It's silicone oil & water, stinks to high heaven.
I'm going to try to rebuild me old one and just use baby / mineral oil and water it would appear to be almost the exact same.
Let us know how it does, just remember to use an oil based colorant for your "waves" or it will bleed into your water.
I did it before and used blue food coloring it worked really good (it dyes the water / the oil floats );the only bad part is that i used alcohol the first time instead of water and it softened and dissolved the plastic vessel over a few month period.

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