Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

So i recently bought my first lava lamp and it's already having some problems and it's making me a bit nervous. I run it 10hrs a day and it cools over night. 

It flows okay but most of the wax now just sits on top while only a little of it is on the bottom. First day it was flowing fine though. Another problem is that now for about after 3 cooldowns there are bobbles on top of the wax (not inside it dont get me wrong). Just like in a can of soda or something, it's really strange. There are also bubbles in the wax itself now but i'm sure that'll sort itself out sooner or later. 

The third thing is that it now seems like some water is REALLY evaporating. I don't think its my imagination but it looks really noticeable. I can also see some weird stuff happening on the top of the bottle probably from evaporation. (?)  The lamp has been a tiny bit shaken (not really, I don't know what counts as shaking, I tried to shake a little bit on the top JUST so the wax on the top gets back to the bottom when it was fully cooled down in the morning. I'm really new to this so I might have done a lot of stupid stuff without knowing. I read somewhere a suggestion to try to slowly put the lamp upside down so the wax floats back but i only went halfway because i didn't want to screw up and on the top of the bottle (where there is no water) some wax was stuck, and i used a hairdryer to get it back to the bottom, I might have damaged it there even though i read that also in a suggestion.

It's a Lollipop 2 and I bought it for 7.800Ft which is approx 28$

Could anyone suggest what i could do? Just sit and wait a few days? I can't really open the bottle since a softdrink cap is used to close it, which i'm sure i wont be able to just put back.

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Now that i started it up again the wax floated up after an hour and it looks like a jellyfish! Thought it looks pretty cool. Sadly can't see much from the image.

The scale like deposit around the top is typical, most of my lamps have it.  The bubbles on the surface of the wax are something that I have only seen on a bottle that I had that was leaking.  I ended up fixing the seal with GE silicone.  The wax not flowing right in a Chinese made lamp, I have found to be nearly impossible to correct.  You could always do a goo kit.They are really fun!

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