Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

And I saw absolutely no lava lites :( It's like they don't even exist anymore. You would of never thought 12 years ago Spencer's would have no lava lites? I'm sure they were just out of stock but still. I really hope this new company can turn things around and restore what was. We all can't keep buying the USA lamps off of eBay forever, pretty soon it will be mostly China.

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Have you looked at Spencer's Online? They have a very limited choice. Someone here recently said that Lavalite is trying to sell off all of the old LavaWorld stock before introducing their product line. Hopefully, they have made positive changes, only time will tell.
I didn't want to buy one I just wanted to look and didn't see any. Usually they have a display set up.
I don't know if these 2 scraps of info mean anything but I was just looking @ Target.com and all their lamps are gonna be in stock in like 6 weeks. They don't seem to have any now. It's kinda weird. Plus my g/f was gonna pick me up 3 lamps for a project globe from Spencers and she said the one where she went had next to nothing.
The Spencers store in West Edmonton Mall has only a couple of Aristocrats on display. They usually carry a good selection.
Lavaworld aka Haggerty Enterprises, sold to Talon investments aka lavalite, this past summer. There are several discussion in the forum on this
Spencer's here have loads of lamps and can't seem to sell them. I go in an check every once in awhile and they get a bit dustier and maybe only sold one or two. It is like playing russian rulet when buying those china made lamps. I was lucky and have a handful that flow decent. My two grande lamps (made in china) are my favorites of the china made lamps because they flow just like the older lamps.

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