Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I've done several lamps with Magma's 'goo'. Worked fine. Now one of them has -really- tiny blobs. Almost like champagne. Looks great.

So... how did that happen? What determines the size of the blobs? Is this controllable or was that just a one-off?

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One man's "Too much" is another man's "Poifect". :D

I maintain a certain skepticism only because (again) Kim @ Magma insists otherwise. But it's so cool... it makes me want to experiment.


You don't want an inline dimmer.  You want one that you just plug the lamp into, then plug the dimmer into the wall outlet.  Here is what I use:




Keep in mind that the surf will affect the longevity of the wax. The more surf the shorter the lifespan of the wax as it does facilitate the break down of the wax. I do understand your fascination with it though.

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