Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

The wax looks firm when it's cool. When it starts to flow it's quite fluid, like Jello. Can anyone describe what it feel like, someone who has taken a lamp apart. Can you take it out when it's cool but not cold and knead it like nutty putty? How does that affect the lava when you put it back in? If you dyed the lava with candle dye, as someone suggested, will the color leach out into the water? Also does the water feel like normal colored water, or is there something else to it - a slipperiness or something? Thanks.

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the water is pretty smelly, like oil, it's the paraffine in it... about the wax I know nothing, deemed to uncertainity we are...
are you crazy?? :)
If you want to test the consistency of the goo, try melting equal amounts of paraffin wax and mineral oil, and then letting it cool. This is a basic example of what the goo is made of (other chemicals are added to help the flow in the lamp). Remember, oil and water do not mix, so any good quality oil or paraffin based dyes should be okay.
Like warm apple pie.
I don't know if you can dye it but it feels sort of like soft oily wax when room temp and feels harder when very cold. I've had it in the fridge and it gets hard but not like regular wax. You can't knead it like putty, it's a different texture... like oily wax. :O) It would squish out between your fingers and whatnot rather than ball and hold together like regular wax or putty.

I've melted the lava and poured it into a different globe and that worked out great but I don't know what would happen if you started touching and kneading and coloring it. The liquid smells but doesn't feel slippery.
Thanks, everybody. I'm such a chicken. I need to just dig in and try all this out, but then I might "kill" something. Even when they're malfunctioning and ugly, they're still my "babies."
Naughty boy!
Glad someone finally picked up on it. Lol :)
The 80s Lava-Simplex wax and earlier Lava Corp. stuff, yes, oily wax. Has the consistency of Crisco.

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