Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Where to get or make iridescent lava for a grande?

I was on eBay recently and saw a grande that someone rewaxed with silver metallic lava which was kind of cool. I can’t find it now but I know that recently I was looking around and saw a grande that was redone in an iridescent oil slick color. Does anyone know who makes the kits for those kinds of colors or finishes? Thanks

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I noticed that the blue dye from the lava louie goo kits results in a somewhat iridescent layer on the wax. Will have to see if I still have the bottle which had this "feature". If so, I'll upload a picture of it and let you know.

That was done with silver Sharpie markers

It did not last
I bought it with the rest of his collection when he sold out

What do you mean, did not last? Color bleeds into the master fluid?

Claude J said:

That was done with silver Sharpie markers

It did not last
I bought it with the rest of his collection when he sold out


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