Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Howdy there!  I'm new to the site, but not new to lava lamps. :)

I'm thinking about filtering a Grande and also some smaller lamps.  The filter tutorial recommends, the MSR MiniWorks, but it seems like only the MiniWorks EX is sold these days.  Does anyone still make/sell a non-carbon filter?

I might just go the Pur route for the smaller lamps, but I don't want to risk messing up the flow of the Grande.


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Anyone know versions of filters for purchase in the UK?

Astralay, any chance you've used this on a Grande?

Yes I did.

Perfect result.

Any update on this?  Do I need to get the non-EX model?  Is it available anymore?

I have this one if interested.

Did I read correctly the EX model has carbon that removes too many critical goodies from the liquid?

Didn't know there was another model. i bought this about 2 years ago after it was recommended on here by someone. I filtered a cloudy grande with it and it worked great, just have to make sure you get all the foam and bubbles through the ceramic filter part aswell.

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