I have bought 2 Grande lamps in the last 2 years and both are horribly cloudy and the lava flow is subpar. I have left messages on the Lava LIte web site and gotten no response at all about the cloudy issue. They did admit that their lamps are made in China. I think this is probably the problem. On the other hand I have many knock off lava lamps in various sizes and colors which I'm pretty sure are Chinese and they are clear and flow beautifully. I'm pissed that I have to go to the contortions that I've read here just to get a clear, nice flowing Grande or 52oz. I can't believe that the slave labor in China is soooo cheap that they can make them there and ship them all the way to the USA and do it cheaper than building them here. I'm also desperate for them to re-release a classic traditional Century lamp. Any observations or ideas or knowledge is welcome.
Look at it this way. Grandes cost about $60-$80. Giant(a us made grande) cost over $200 back in the day. "You get what you pay for" applies when it comes to new lava world lamps.
Sadly if you want a GOOD lava lamp you have to get lamps made before lava world went to china. That or get a mathmos lamp but they cost way too much to ship to the usa. But for me this just means I get to enjoy the "hunt" for older lava lamps.