Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I'm still searching for a good condition #22 USA globe in a 32 ounce size. This is the one with the blue fluid and purple wax. I did have one nailed down recently, but it was lost by FedEx on its way to me.

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Still looking for this guy..
I have one of them I would be willing to part with. Condition isn't amazing but it's not bad. It's at my fathers house though and I only get out there on Saturdays. I'll get it next week and take pics if u want
Thanks Christian. I am interested and would like to see pictures of it in action. I will send you a friend request.
Still looking.

Wow thats a nice color combo!

Hahahahaha as if free shipping matters when they're asking $70! What kind of outrageous psycho asks such a ridiculous amount?! Lmfao jk - obo ftw
Thanks Rick. I made an offer on it and it was sold to me.

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