Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Yo, fiber heads...I know this the Fantasia group (and they are the best), but there seems to be no other place to discuss this.

Did someone here get the ebay listing for the Aussie Sunlo spaceship lamp?  It's at 350327038099but was too expensive for me.  Plus they wanted another $120 for shipping. Also I'm pretty sure it was 220 volts.  Seems to have some switches or dials on the side...wonder what they do???  Could adjust the speed of rotation or the colors. 

 Anyhow, if somebody hear did, could you please post some pics 

  I've never seen one like it...perhaps Kris has.  I cant see paying over $500 for a fiber lamp unless it's big and perfect or a Cosmos.
 Any thoughts? 

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