Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I am trying to get a goo kit, unsuccessfully!  The website gookits.com does not work.  I want to get a Louie goo kit because the magma tower ones on ebay are $50 plus with the shipping!  I can't find a goo kit anywhere else on the internet.  Are there other companies that make them?  Does anyone have a preference between them/ know which is the best?  Does Louie goo kits have a functioning website with another name?  Can you answer any of these questions?  Then do it!

Much obliged. 

Views: 419

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Sorry about that.  There was an error and our website was shut down.  We lost our domain name due to miscommunications, but we have it back.  We are reworking the website right now.  Meanwhile please see our other store http://stores.ebay.com/Goo-Kits


I was starting to think my comp was kicking it's plastic bucket! Thanks Gus for your input.



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