50, Female

United States

Profile Information:

Something Interesting About Me:
I am a Nuclear Medicine Technologist from Florida. My collection started as gifts from loved ones and purchases made to signify landmark events in my life. Now I am plain old addicted. Thanks to ebay, there is only the UPS man between me and my future lava lamps. My favorite american lava lamp: White Squiggle. My favorite mathmos lamp: Metallic Green Astro. My least favorite lava lamp: the Wizard
Where I Live:
My First Lava Lamp was:
My first lava lamp was a pink/pink midnight I received from my mother in 1980's and I still have it.

Comment Wall:

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  • Galaxy_9

    Thanks for the photo comments. Great to see a Floridian goo head! Love your white display shelving. You know there is an Ikea in Orlando now (dying to go soon!) It will be shelf heaven, yea!
  • goodude26

    Hey, Jen.
    I got your package a couple of days ago.
    I LOVE IT!
    Thank you so much for giving me a lamp I have wanted for such a long time. I have pics of it on my page already.

    Thank you!
    I hope you had a Merry Christmas!

  • Mark Goo

    Cool new avatar. You have a way with images! You got me thinking, it's about time I update mine to keep it fresh.

  • Kelly Flaskerud

    Thanks! I've been collecting for a couple of years. Not quite sure of the exact number, but it's over 150, mostly vintage. All Lava except one lonely Mathmos Silverball! :)

    What cute pups!!
  • Brian

    Go to this site: http://www.wishafriend.com/pf/lavalamp/
    Customize the lamp to your likeing and then put the code in that section of puting videos, pics, or animations in. :)
  • Brian

    Nice animations!
  • chad

    very nice set up,i love the elektriks...
  • Antstep

    Hey Oso on your description of yourself you said that your least favorite lava lamp is the wizard because its not "phallic" enough, i had never heard of that word before so i looked it up and it means something very strange..... Do you know what it means??
  • Roger Stenstrom


  • Galaxy_9

    Thanks for the comment! Yours changed too, looks great and love the graphic textured look to the photo! Believe it or not, the amber glass one on the left was a Wal-Mart find, and the clock was from a discount home design store. I Love any mid-century decor, even if it's new but is convincing enough!
  • Galaxy_9

    Yea, I would love to see those retro clocks! Send some pics on over. I love the abstract and organic looking Viking and Blenko style glass too, I believe the technique they call it is "swung glass".
  • Mark Goo

    Hi Jen, I see the eBay button right over there. I can almost reach out and touch it. :-) So, what is your browser again? Some browsers like Firefox hides all ads. Mayvbe that is what is happening. I apreciate your use of the button immensely, so lets get this figured out. ;-)

    by the way, this page is looking awesome. you got that graphic knack, ya know.

  • Holland

    Thanks for noticing that the picture is of me! I didn't take it - a friend did and gave me the original as a gift. It hangs in my front hallway and is 3ft by 3ft. It's gorgeous.
  • Galaxy_9

    Love the new astro metallic! Was it an e-bay find? Coincidentally I just got a peace motion metallic (in green too) just a few days ago and I love it minus the cheapo shape! The new avatar rocks, your a pro!
  • Mark Goo

    Got your note in the chat. That's what I thought it was. You must be running some kind of ad blocker - maybe from google toolbar or norton or mcafee or something similar. Darn. Maybe I'll make a text link right above that for members to use that are having that problem.
    thx again, MG
  • MattMJB0188

    Hey Jen, just thought I'd pop back in for a quick hello. Don't see you on Yahoo anymore
  • MattMJB0188

    I am sorry to hear about your husband being out of work. Are you still looking for Midnight Centuries?
  • Cassia

    Wow, that's what i call a lava lamp rainbow!!
    beautiful collection!
  • goodude26

    Hi, Jen. How have you been lately?
    I haven't heard from you in a long time. I've just been curious how you are doing.

    Talk to you later,

  • medicated goo

    You have a beautiful, classy and classic collection. Intersesting varierty and clean looking lamps. It was a pleasure to view your photos. Nice stuff!
  • Bumpkin

    This is Bumpkin. How are you doing?
  • Bumpkin

    Hello Jen.

    I hope you are doing well I have not heard from you in a long time.

  • goodude26

    Hi, Jen. It's good to hear from you again. I'm sorry to hear about your husband's grandmother. I hope he is doing o.k. as well as the family.
    Did you guys have a nice anniversary? Las Vegas must be nice.

    I have been pretty upset the past week. My sister is very sick. She has cancer in her bile ducts. There is a 2% chance that it can be removed successfully and bypassed and things will be ok. But, there is a 98% chance the cancer has spread to a wider area and more will have to be removed which are the lower half of her stomach, half her pancreas, some of her lower intestine and her gull bladder. If all that has to be done, there is a 20% chance she will live 5 years or so and within that 20% chance, there is another 20% chance she will live another 5 years.

    There have been prayers going up for her from a whole bunch of people. We are praying that the 2% chance will be the case.

    We won't know until the 11th of this month when they start the surgery.

    I have a prayer request forum started in the "Off Topic" section if you are interested.

    Talk to you later,
  • MattMJB0188

    Hey Jen haven't talked to you in like forever. How is everything going? You never come on Yahoo anymore :(
  • leeder

    nope, never got it. what did you want to trade?
  • Mark Goo

    Just dropping by to say hi. So, "Hi".
  • medicated goo

    Yes I know the feelin being wrapped and warped with GOO. You do have one of the nicer collections on the OG. Thanks my OG name came from the band Traffic so I can't take responsibility for it myself. I love the yellow globe you put in your Camel lamp - I think I will borrow your idea and try it in my 52 oz.Camel. Yellow/Orange/Aztec Gold are far and away my favorite lava wax colors so it is EZ to do the Camel like that. Hope to see more of you here - come and play but just say no to buying the lamps - I know the feelin as I am a lava junkie too and never found a lamp I did not like....
  • Modulo '70

    How's your beautiful wall of lava lovliness?

    Come back to the Goo, you're needed here.
  • Modulo '70

    Hi Jen, so glad you're back! Woo Hoo!

    Love your home page and find solace and comfort here. You have a seriously nice collection. Greats pics too.
    Peace and lava
  • goodude26

    Thank you, Jen.

    My sister is sick, but she will be ok and it is all thanks to God and all the prayers from everyone here, my friends close by me and my family. I am still believing she will be healed. It is possible.

    The doctors give her 2 years to live, but God has the final word in t his situation.

  • Holland

    Thanks for the compliment on my picture, but no, I did not take it myself. Isn't it lovely? It's me. I love your home page!
  • www.6-ft-under.com

    Oh.....I just LOVE your wall of lava!! It's just fantastic!! I'd like to lay in the floor and just watch them for hours!! (Currled up with the "Fur-babies" of course!) My dog has vison problems due to age, but she can see bright lights pretty clearly, so sometimes she just sits and stares at my lamps....it's so cute!! Do your dogs get "sucked into the lava" too?
  • Daniele

    WONDERFUL COLLECTION!!!! I love that display... the mighty happiness of a lava barrier. (I guess it sucks to clean off the dust from all that cables, though).
    I want really to congratulate for your artistic capacity displayed in some great pictures.
    I read you want to sell something... I might be interested in the enchantress planter with that greenish-wwhite lava and in the midnight century clear/red. bye
  • medicated goo

    Hi OSO, Sorry to hear you are liquidating lava... I am interested in your screw cap midnight with clear/peach, 3 peace lava lids, americana lamp and anything vintage you would consider parting with. Not a problem for me going on ebay to get them if you prefer. I hope you reconsider and keep your elektriks - you might regret parting with that collection! Hope it all works out great for you!!
  • Daniele

    Hi.. I meant the MIDNIGHT clear/red...:)
  • medicated goo

    I bet you will get between $40 and $50 for the lid because they NEVER are available on ebay. Maybe more, it will be interesting to watch it. If you want to part with the americana and the peach let me know? I will see if I have the fixins to put together a clear/orange midnight for you. Once again you still have one of the nicest collections hands down in my opinion. I specifically love your orange-mist enchantress and your sweet orange consort - never part with them!
  • Mark Goo

    Love your new avatar! Go Paul Stanley. In fourth grade my friends asked me to be Ace Frehely in an air band for talent show but my puritan mother wouldn't let me and it was all down hill from there! :-)
  • MattMJB0188

    HEY love the new pic. What's going on? Hope all has been good lately :D
  • MattMJB0188

    I'm sorry to hear about your husband, I suffer from migraines too :( haven't seen you on yahoo though. Hope you don't plan on selling those elek tricks because they are so rare.
  • MattMJB0188

    Well that's good your keeping your Elek-tricks but honestly I wouldn't paint the mediterranean if you plan on selling it because you never know with people these days, but its up to you. Do you plan on selling any of your MIDNIGHT CENTURY lamps? :D
  • Woodvetch

    Hey Gal,
    Thanks for the Lava pics compliment. Coming from you, my original Lava inspiration, the comment has extra meaning to me.
    Have a super eat lots of high calorie food day.
  • TJ

    I am filtering with a MSR Miniworks EX water filter, I bought it at a sporting goods store.
  • Mark Goo

    I like the new avatar! I think we should have more profile pics with our actual faces, not that it matters that much, but I like knowing what all my OG friends look like.
  • MattMJB0188

    Hey Love your new pic, you look really good ;)
  • Brian

    Loving your new look!
  • Keith

    Happy Birthday!
  • Modulo '70

    Happy Birthday!
  • Tony

    Happy B-Day!
  • Gadfly

    I am very impressed/intimidated with your collection....Nice....
  • Jennifer

    Here it is! I'm not sure if this flow will keep on going. I might have some more work to do, but it's a great lamp! Thanks again!
