That whole site you linked me is incredible.. what an array of style and function and all eye candy.. I am scared to see pricing on such pieces . I will be posting some shots as well as some numbers and names of bottom of vase. The fibers them self are to me the same as my fantasia have..When out of bottle spray reaches from my fingertips to past my elbow. The only difference i can see upon close comparison is bottom.. where all goes into brass ring.. the glue or resin seems to be thicker.. but since my other fantasia lamps are WAY smaller and hold less this could be why. Well once I post the info. it might ring a familiar bell...
hey! danke für die nette begrüßung :) ich schätze mal, wir sind hier recht unterrepräsentiert. meine gratulation und daumen hoch zu deiner sammlung!! bin noch recht am anfang mit meiner, aber ich rücke vorwärts... :D schöne grüße an die küste!!
frohes, neues jahr!! sorry für die verspätete antwort und vielen dank für dein angebot :) ich interessiere mich eigentlich für alles, was hübsch aussieht und nen tollen flow hat. beschränke mich da nicht nur auf mathmos. bin da ganz offen für alles, was mir vor die nase kommt. hab mir auch kürzlich 2 gookits bestellt. leider noch nicht da... bin schon gespannt^^ falls du ein paar lampen abgeben willst/musst, kannst du mir ja mal ein paar vorschlagen. bis die tage ;) schöne grüße. tobi
Got it,thanx Arne. Just to add some humor, i also live in a natzi stricken country, but these natzys have black skin. Anyway, have you ever tried building a lamp from scratch with material in your garage, if so then you might be able to help.
Hey Arne, jo alles im Lot hier. Hoffe bei dir auch? hab dein Relationship-Status gesehen ;) Is it complicated? Werd jetzt nach und nach alle meine Lampen hier einstellen. Hoffe das du deine Lampe bald bekommst! Liebe Grüße aus dem Norden von Benni
Arne, you do have an impressive collection but I really need you to pay me the money you owe me from last year. It's been 9 months! I agree to split the loss with you for the damaged lamp you sent me and this is more than fair since I did nothing wrong.
You have given me your word on several occasions that you would pay me but I've not seen anything. Please let's close this matter.
I hope you are well. Things are very tight financially at the moment so I would have to pass this up. I would have loved this one to complete my collection:(
Thanks for thinking of me when you had this in mind to sell off. I hope it goes for a good price. All the best to you. Jerome
The briefcase arcade emulator (I've been calling it a 'briefcade' for a good while now) used a portable laptop 2nd monitor that takes mini HDMI input and can be powered from 5VDC from USB:
Everything runs on a Raspberry P1 4 running Retropi Emulation Station image. The controls all wire into a USB driver board (came as a kit). I never did figure out how to configure the trackball. I was powering it with a 30,000mAH USB bank, but now I use a smaller uninterruptable power supply inside. The speakers and amp board aren't great and I can't recommend them. Overall, I love using it.
I'll link to my instructable I'm still writing for the briefcade once it's finished and published if you're interested in it. I will say I've only had luck emulating mariokart 64 for N64 games and I've tried a few. Lot of visual bugs, game breaking glitches, UI errors, and painful framerates. I mostly built mine to play Sega, SNES, and Gameboy Color games that I played as a kid as well as some arcade titles. Also, having my own lasercutter made fabrication many many times easier since I could prototype everything to fit with cheap cardboard until I got the right fit for all my panels and parts.
Hi Arne, thank you so much for your reply. I have tried to reply to your post but i'm not sure that it will get to you so I have sent this email as well. I am very keen to find out about the possible purchase of this Mathmos Jupiter 2 lamp. Could you please put me in contact with the seller. My email address is Cheers... Dave :)
Mark Goo
Jul 28, 2011
Dr. WHAT?!
Aug 3, 2011
Mark Goo
Aug 3, 2011
Sep 5, 2011
Tim Gill
happy birthday Arnie - peace love and lava, have a good day
Sep 5, 2011
That whole site you linked me is incredible.. what an array of style and function and all eye candy.. I am scared to see pricing on such pieces . I will be posting some shots as well as some numbers and names of bottom of vase. The fibers them self are to me the same as my fantasia have..When out of bottle spray reaches from my fingertips to past my elbow. The only difference i can see upon close comparison is bottom.. where all goes into brass ring.. the glue or resin seems to be thicker.. but since my other fantasia lamps are WAY smaller and hold less this could be why. Well once I post the info. it might ring a familiar bell...
Thank You...
Sep 5, 2011
Sep 5, 2012
lava luva ~ Tiffany
thanks arne!...yeah i love alphonse mucha too! such beautiful works :)
Oct 22, 2012
Hi Arne, sorry but i'm going to keep it for now.
When thing s get tight I may reconsider.
I keep buying them - I have around 200, maybe more, i'll get them all out next summer and do a list and some pics.
The only ones I haven't got are a Crestworth Rocket and a Lunar.
One day i'll get these hopefully, especially the Lunar.
All the best, Wazzer...
Dec 14, 2012
hey! danke für die nette begrüßung :) ich schätze mal, wir sind hier recht unterrepräsentiert. meine gratulation und daumen hoch zu deiner sammlung!! bin noch recht am anfang mit meiner, aber ich rücke vorwärts... :D schöne grüße an die küste!!
Dec 17, 2012
hey arne.
frohes, neues jahr!! sorry für die verspätete antwort und vielen dank für dein angebot :) ich interessiere mich eigentlich für alles, was hübsch aussieht und nen tollen flow hat. beschränke mich da nicht nur auf mathmos. bin da ganz offen für alles, was mir vor die nase kommt. hab mir auch kürzlich 2 gookits bestellt. leider noch nicht da... bin schon gespannt^^ falls du ein paar lampen abgeben willst/musst, kannst du mir ja mal ein paar vorschlagen. bis die tage ;) schöne grüße. tobi
Jan 3, 2013
Jan 7, 2013
Jan 10, 2013
Arne, you do have an impressive collection but I really need you to pay me the money you owe me from last year. It's been 9 months! I agree to split the loss with you for the damaged lamp you sent me and this is more than fair since I did nothing wrong.
You have given me your word on several occasions that you would pay me but I've not seen anything. Please let's close this matter.
Thanks, Jethro
Jan 25, 2013
Modulo '70
Hey Arne,
I hope you are well. Things are very tight financially at the moment so I would have to pass this up. I would have loved this one to complete my collection:(
Thanks for thinking of me when you had this in mind to sell off. I hope it goes for a good price. All the best to you. Jerome
Jan 25, 2014
Modulo '70
Stick it on the 'Bay...It would be interesting to see how much it would fetch. I couldn't go more than e100 at the moment:(
Feb 7, 2014
Arne... Hi brother.. how are ya.. Im backkkkkk
Sep 1, 2015
Arne totally digging the custom paint jobs on your lamps, very very cool....
Mar 24, 2016
The briefcase arcade emulator (I've been calling it a 'briefcade' for a good while now) used a portable laptop 2nd monitor that takes mini HDMI input and can be powered from 5VDC from USB:
Everything runs on a Raspberry P1 4 running Retropi Emulation Station image. The controls all wire into a USB driver board (came as a kit). I never did figure out how to configure the trackball. I was powering it with a 30,000mAH USB bank, but now I use a smaller uninterruptable power supply inside. The speakers and amp board aren't great and I can't recommend them. Overall, I love using it.
May 21, 2022
I'll link to my instructable I'm still writing for the briefcade once it's finished and published if you're interested in it. I will say I've only had luck emulating mariokart 64 for N64 games and I've tried a few. Lot of visual bugs, game breaking glitches, UI errors, and painful framerates. I mostly built mine to play Sega, SNES, and Gameboy Color games that I played as a kid as well as some arcade titles. Also, having my own lasercutter made fabrication many many times easier since I could prototype everything to fit with cheap cardboard until I got the right fit for all my panels and parts.
May 21, 2022
Dave Dryden
Hi Arne, thank you so much for your reply. I have tried to reply to your post but i'm not sure that it will get to you so I have sent this email as well. I am very keen to find out about the possible purchase of this Mathmos Jupiter 2 lamp. Could you please put me in contact with the seller. My email address is Cheers... Dave :)
Aug 13, 2023