Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate


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Comment by Carol on September 21, 2014 at 8:14pm

oh, just checked on my lamps because I had to dim them a bit and yep as I thought crystal clear.  But start up there is a definite haze.  I'm hoping that gets less and less with each run. At least it goes right away when the lamp gets hot enough to flow.

Comment by Carol on September 21, 2014 at 8:13pm

Kirk's glitter is nice Erin.  You don't wanna chance another goo kit?  Shame I don't live close to you, I would give ya some goo to try, lol!!!

Comment by Erin on September 21, 2014 at 6:43pm

Thanks for all the info. I dumped my pink/blue... the blue wax was sticking. I tried a re-do on the fluid and totally effed it up. So, I dumped the whole thing. Thinking of maybe doing Kirk's glitter...

Comment by Carol on September 21, 2014 at 5:21pm

No sticking Erin, I did have some problems with my globes clouding, but I think that was due to my lack of cleaning.  Not really clouding, but this weird streaking.  I asked Chad who makes those wonderful big lamps, and he said that you have to use like brakeleen, acetone, heck he said he has even had to resort to muriatic acid!!!  Anyway, I was kind of skqueemish to go with the muriatic acid, so I bought pure acetone from the hardware store and did a good long acetone rinse on them.  No wax sticking.  I have had to do a couple fluid changes after the 1st complete kit because of haze.  Now, for some odd reason, at startup they look smokey, but as soon as the distilled reaches that hot temp to flow, they become crystal clear. They are crystal clear when cool and just sitting at rest too.  I don't know if my distilled is tainted like a bad batch or what.  Maybe their surf is weird.  I don't know, but as long as they are only hazy at start up, i'm leaving well enough alone and hoping that after a few runs they will start up clear.  Now, I do have the option to change the distilled, but then I'm afaid i'll get the streaks back!!! 


As far as customer service, the first mini kit I ordered took 1 whole week to even ship.  I called with this order and spoke nicely to the girl (whom now I can't remember her name, Judy maybe, bad on names) and told her what happened last time and she said she would print the order out online and run it right to shipping, then call me and tell me when to expect my order.  I got no call.  3 days after that I got the shipping confirmation, so it was a bit quicker this time.  I never called to ask a question, but I am tempted to ask what's up with the cloudy, dusty looking start up.  As I type this my violet just started a bit of flow and is clearing up.  Once at full flow it will be crystal clear.  I turned my new ones on 2nite and they looked a little smokey too.  I'll go back to check on them and they will be crystal clear.  I don't get what that is.   It's like they have to get hot or the wax flows and clears the impurities out of the fluid.  I think I will give them a call tomorrow and see what's up with that.

Comment by Erin on September 21, 2014 at 2:49pm

How are these working out for you? Any sticking around the base? And how's Magma Tower's customer service been? I did a few GooKits back in the day, but usually had problems. 


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