Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

so about to open her up.. color wheel stopped turning.. the spray never was mean to .. just the wheel.. so in the mean time.. I adjusted it so all the colors are at least glowing if not rotating.. there is a button on bottom to halt any given color if you choose.. I do prefer the cycle

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Comment by kiramarie on October 8, 2015 at 8:47am

I imagine styling these glass optics was actually a terrible job.. in cleaning mine sadly there tends to be breakage.. as time on such delicate glass strands is inevitable.. but these little broken slivers.. they are a bugger to get out.. and if you ever touched a fuzzy cactus .. well pretty similar.. the vase and  actually many of Fantasias cardboard bases are not my ideal bases.. I love the chrome and brass but I will take any that come my way . the german fiber spray does not rotate its the color wheel that alone does.. well my color wheel has stopped.. so I opened it.. but because i am in the throws of Halloween Season here in Orleans { its a huge deal} i will get back to it soon.. I have it situated so all the colors show.. looks like a giant multi colored snow ball

Comment by Carol on September 16, 2015 at 8:56am

P.S.  Just read that's german fiber!!!!  I like the way they put the fiber's in a vase like base!!

Comment by Carol on September 16, 2015 at 8:55am

I am in total awe of the fantasia's Kira!!!  When I was in my early 20's, my boyfriend's mom at the time had a huge absolutely stunning one on top of her console tv!!!  Not sure what model but it was huge!!!  Anyway, when they would go on vaca and Jeff and I had the house to ourselves, I wouldn't leave him alone until he turned it on, lol!!!  He had other things on his agenda with an empty house, but NO, I wanted to see the fantasia glow.  I always had that endorphin rush when it came to novelty lighting, even way back when.  Oh and we had to turn the lights out too so all awe could be on the fantasia!!! 


Interesting history on those too.  I find it funny to think of a bunch of hair dressers sitting in this area clipping fantasia heads, lol!!!  Every once in a while I look on ebay to see if any are in my price range, some are, but they are the smaller ones.  I'm afraid to bite the bullet and get one for fear I won't be able to get any replacement parts anymore.  I'm not real handy when it comes to motors.  Good luck in getting the old gal spinning again!!!


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