Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Mathmos Fluidums

Views: 133


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Comment by Dillon neimiller on April 27, 2020 at 8:50am

Would you consider selling one ? 

Comment by Dennis Bachetti on February 23, 2020 at 6:12pm

Thank you goober jack! 

Comment by Dennis Bachetti on February 23, 2020 at 6:11pm

Thanks Todd!
 They wouldn’t be possible without oozinggoo member and amazing friend Mark Addison from across the pond! 

Comment by Todd Miller on February 21, 2020 at 7:48pm

Wow Again !

Comment by goober jack on February 17, 2020 at 7:01pm

Beautiful picture of your fluidiums


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