Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

so as i was sitting on the ground.. a huge Palmetto Roach decided to join me.. I smacked my face on one of the chains.. These a super heavy duty muthas.. and had a vision of a pc coming loose and taking out a row of lamps... Sooo I methodically Zip Tied the chains in place ..

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Comment by kiramarie on October 7, 2011 at 6:06pm

lol... I run like hell... they travel in gangs and have knives

This shot I am blowing up.. I have begun a plan and certain photos i take that just hit me.. you know the ones you keep looking back on and staring at it.. this one gets me. I have some never used Antique photo albums.. i want to tab em in.. no plastic sheeting.. Old School for real. But the idea is two pages for each lamp.. Erin was cool and some time back sent me a template of sorts to inventory my collection. So Album will have its own Index of sorts..You would have to hire two people full time for months to inventory yours   hehehe lol

Comment by Jack the Reefer on October 7, 2011 at 11:52am
Thats a good idea to tie the chains, you would hate to have a accident.  All that fluid, broken glass and goo would not be fun to clean up.  I see you have some of the same friends as me, the Palmetto bug.  They have great Public Relations like Squirrels *rats with long furry tails* Palmetto bugs *flying roaches*.  I hate those buggers, I smash them when I can.


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