Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Pendleton Canadian Whisky Bottle (1st goo kit)

So the globe is cracked & my neighbor had a bottle that was ready. So we dumped it in the bottle. It was cloudy for a week.Then it cleared up. His idea for the bottle, I was ready to dump it in my disgust. Glad I didn't. It's upstairs now. Here it is on it's 2nd run.

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Comment by BlackGermanShepherd on June 15, 2011 at 4:24pm
Thanks, I'm  surprised how well it turned out. The oj is alright. Kind of thinking about getting ride of it or at least taking out of rotation for awhile. I got a real cool coffee lava lamp from CRASHSUNDAYGUY. I  need to put up more photos. Agh! Got to work..
Comment by Tim Gill on June 15, 2011 at 4:03pm

Nice job - with a bit more work you could have made a decent custom out of that.
The beer and the orange juce lamps look cool - I like you taste in lava lamps - unconventional.

Comment by BlackGermanShepherd on June 5, 2011 at 5:05pm
Thanks. I'm surprised how well it flows with the space & amount of goo in it. We poured most of the water into a beaker. Then the goo & coil  into the whiskey bottle. Filled up the rest of the bottle with the beaker water. Put the cork in it. Let it cooled. Flowed fine the next day. I had to let him have it. I goofed & boiled the globe for way too long. So I cracked it while cleaning it. I guess I just wanted to see what would happen, so that's why I went ahead with a cracked globe.


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