Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Neon Lava Lamps Flowing - Green, Yellow, Purple

The purple is more vibrant IRL than in the picture. At this point, I would say that have fairly typical "China" flow. As a group they are neat to watch, but I can see where they'd be less spectacular on their own. They are clear, which I love though! I'll update once I've put some more runs on them

Views: 157


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Comment by Keith on October 12, 2017 at 6:00pm

I haven't had any visible sticking on my neon globes, but the flow has declined.  My colormax lamps though all have sticking wax issues.  It's good to have a solution for fixing these, but it's really a pain that we would even have to.

Comment by Claude J on October 12, 2017 at 9:50am

Depends on viewpoint

Sounds like a lot, but it really isn't that hard.

Most time for some people  would be gathering materials if they do not have a lava lab setup already

I could of probably fixed and reloaded those three lamps within an hour

finish out the flow tweak in between an evening of commercials

Keep me in mind nexttime

Comment by Erin on October 12, 2017 at 9:46am

LOL, there's nothing easy about that! But thanks for the write-up! Hopefully you have that in a thread somewhere!

Comment by Claude J on October 12, 2017 at 9:34am

Drain the fluid,

heat the globe in water bath. When boiling reduce to med heat,

When melted, remove the goo and save it in mason jar,

Put mason jar in water bath on stove-low heat,

wash the globe with Dawn and hot or boiling water,

add surf and some distilled water and shake to coat the inside of the globe,

add distilled water 1/2 way,

remove heated goo from water bath and add slowly with funnel so it congeals in the water as it hits it,

fill rest of way with distilled water less 25%  so you can add propelyne glycol as needed.

Put globe in water bath and let goo heat thoroughly so it all floats to top.

Shut off heat, Walk away-let cool.

Dry Globe and heat on base to 125Deg F (few hours until goo is melted) and see how how specific gravity/flow is working,

if no flow @ 125Deg F, add propelyne glycol carefully, wait until it hits 125F again, until  you add more if flotation is not occurring.

When satisfied fill to 1-1.5" below cap and test again.

Cap globe when satisfied

The whole process of emptying, cleaning and refilling  shouldn't take you more than 1hr

the "tweaking" could take you a evening between TV  shows

Comment by Erin on October 12, 2017 at 9:14am

How so? I've never seen an easy fix for stuck wax.

Comment by Claude J on October 12, 2017 at 9:09am

Erin, that would of been an easy fix

Comment by Erin on October 12, 2017 at 7:15am

They were all junked. All of them had wax that was sticking around the base. Badly. So I dumped them all and sold the globes to a friend.

Comment by Ouija on October 12, 2017 at 5:26am
Any update on these? How are they flowing now?
Comment by Erin on March 4, 2013 at 2:44pm

Good to know that the flow might "mature" over time! 

Comment by Brad on March 4, 2013 at 2:34pm

give them some time to break in.  my neon yellow flows just like a 90's lamp, though it did not at first.


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