Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

This is glitter paradise!

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Comment by Jonas Clark-Elliott on October 21, 2010 at 11:55pm
Can you post some photos? It's absolutely awesome, and totally unique, and as said before, I'm betting there's no other like it. Maybe a college metal shop project?

Updated version of this pic coming soon, added the wood and marble lamps and two shots of the odd model that's wide at the top and narrow at the bottom on one axis, and narrow top/wide bottom on the other.
Comment by wizard of ooze on October 21, 2010 at 9:01pm
Yes Jonas, I kept the original fill on that one glitter. The photo of it in the collage came from the eBay auction for it and the liquid appeared amber color but in person, it is actually a light pink color with a corn syrup consistency. I recently polished it to remove the corrosion/oxidation to the metal finish.
Comment by Jonas Clark-Elliott on October 21, 2010 at 8:52pm
Wizard of OOze, that art glitter with the rolling coins looks like it must have been a one-off. Super cool. You're keeping the original fill?

The windowed types with a black top cover have access from the top; the underside of the cover usually has a slotted fork that holds the globe's cap. A couple of braces in the bottom support the globe from beneath. Pull the cap upward and the globe slides out. The windowed ones with a solid top, like those with the steeply sloped top, the clock and the ceramic oval, have bottom access; you unscrew two screws on the sides, and the base/socket/globe supports slide out the bottom as one unit, followed by the globe.

The ceramic oval, the end-window glitter at bottom left and the art glitter with three circles all have "strip" glitters; these range from short but narrow rectangles to long, thin threadlike strips. Most of the clear-liquid ones have colored stripes painted under the bottle to make them multicolor. Top left, 3rd from top left, and green in bottom center have colored glitters in clear liquid, and a few I've seen have multicolor glitter. I'll add a multicolor glitter if I find a good photo. Black with oval window at middle and 3rd from left at bottom have big white disks floating around, very odd. Many of these come in multiple color and finish variants, and the Vallauris/Sofranex/Longwy ceramic, 4th from bottom right, comes in countless finishes, styles and patterns, most lava but some glitter.
Comment by wizard of ooze on October 21, 2010 at 8:04pm
I own the one in the 2nd row, 3rd pic from the left that resembles a metal chimney with cut out windows with the 3 rolling "coin" decorations. It has glitter strands instead of flakes inside. I also have one of the French glitter clocks like the one in the 2nd row, 1st pic that I have been restoring. I will upload pics when they are restored and ready.
Comment by Modulo '70 on October 21, 2010 at 6:27pm
An amazing picture collection. I have just three of these examples.
Comment by Jonas Clark-Elliott on October 21, 2010 at 6:51am
Be sure to view this full-size! I went through my folder of glitter lamps, saved from foreign eBay, and put this collage together; it was first and foremost designed to make Callisto9's jaw drop. Forty-two lamps are shown; not every design I have a photo of is here, for example only one Italian plastic, one Italian ashtray, one Vallauris ceramic, etc. but I tried to show as many variants, shapes, sizes and styles as possible. I may add to this in the future, so... Got an (Italian or French only, glitter only) lamp that is unlike any here, that you think I should add? Send me an email with a photo. I'm missing the wood- and marble-base ones Bryin has, and a wild clown glitter that I think belongs to VixenGypsy; who knows what other wild and glittery creatures lurk out there...!


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