Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I need more...I still need a continental, regency, windsor, and all of the other variations. One day I will have them all.
The yellow in the liquid seems to have faded away for some reason. It didnt fade away in other lamps. Compare this photo with an older photo.

Another oddity is the mediterranean does not require a dimmer like the consorts.

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Comment by Jonas Clark-Elliott on October 24, 2011 at 5:53pm
Those are great, they're diminutive lamps that fit anywhere. I'd love to find a Capri with good flow. That's a toughie.
Comment by Modulo '70 on October 15, 2011 at 5:17am
Astro (not pictured) and Capri are my personal faves from the Lava Lite heyday!
Comment by Jonas Clark-Elliott on October 12, 2011 at 3:38pm

You can't?? I had no idea! I've never tried, I just assumed it was possible.


Forgot another rare Consort-globe model: the Astro.

Comment by Kempton on October 11, 2011 at 7:04pm
Jonas you cant filter consorts. I cant remember what happens but it is bad. If you have an have had succes tell me because i have some old consort fluids i want to work on.
Comment by Jonas Clark-Elliott on October 11, 2011 at 6:49pm

Capri just needs a filter job. AND you have both wood and plastic Consort bases. Lookin' good! On the right are 60s red/clear (lighter) and 70s red/clear (darker). If you can get the liquid in the yellow to get a nice gentle "champagne mist."

Other small-globe cylindricals are the Night Lite, Princess, Meditation Series (you probably won't find the 'Prayer Lites'), Windsor, "Apollo", Executive, Continental/Savoy of course, and brass Capri. The Regency/Royal and Empress take a much larger globe.

Comment by kiramarie on October 11, 2011 at 8:41am
I see a great start to a rainbow here... also a fiber optic peeking into the shot.. think he was jealous
Comment by Erin on October 11, 2011 at 7:35am
Weird about the yellow fading. How odd. These look great. Except for that stupid Capri. :P


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