Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Well... This bulb lasted three full runs and then popped into this cool design! Heritage line seems to be packing a couple different bulb manufacturers. The filament was a two line style, pulled a bulb from another Heritage tube and it has the 3/4 circle filament layout.

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Comment by Carol on September 22, 2015 at 8:15pm

Oh snap Vox!!!  I tried to google that ebay listing today on break at work and couldn't find it.  Probably sold.  But anyway, the seller had this long description about how he went to this church and in the basement was this lava lamp in a box without a bulb and when he put the bulb in, he released the spirit and it left it's imprint on the bulb and omg, it went on and on how he doesn't want this lamp because he truly believes it is haunted and......blah, blah, blah....lol!!  I think i posted the listing on chat, but it disappeared.  I should have put it in the thread that has the weird and unusual ebay lamps!!!  Now it's gone.  Anyway, he posted a pic of the bulb and it looked the exact same as yours........

Comment by VOXul on September 22, 2015 at 11:35am

OooOo I should sell it as a haunted artisan, custom blown, glass globe of wonder! Puttin' a reserve on this!

Comment by Carol on September 22, 2015 at 9:41am

According to an ebay listing that I saw, this lamp and bulb are in fact "haunted" and the crazy design on the bulb is a "spirit"!!!


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