Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I luv, luv, luv this red!!! Hope it doesn't lose it's vibrancy after a few break in runs!!

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Comment by Rick Gillespie on September 22, 2014 at 12:56am

I hear ya. I'm that way too. 

Comment by Carol on September 21, 2014 at 7:53am

Yep, it's a crapshoot at best.  Erin has since given up on the LL lamps as well.  The only good thing about the 52's for me is that when Spencer's has a sale I can score one for 22.00 bucks and regoo.  DOWNSIDE:  even the globes coming out of china anymore are full of inperfections also.  Scuffs, those little pinholes where the light shines through, scratches........I don't know if it's just my strive for perfection, I sometimes think, maybe other people just don't notice these things or think that it is supposed to look like that, but it just drives me nuts knowing I am buying something "BRAND" new out of the box in this condition. 

Comment by Rick Gillespie on September 20, 2014 at 9:54pm

Wow! I hate the way everything is outsourced to China these days. Sounds cool making your own. I'm going to check out your Pink & Blue.

Comment by Carol on September 20, 2014 at 8:18am

The demo was fine Rick.  Because it is also about a 45 mile drive, I make them pull the lamp from the tube for me and I either inspect it, and if it looks good, then I ask if I can put it on the lighted display base for closer inspection.  Oh, you don't even know!  They probably hate me there, lol!!!  I tell them I'm not about to get all the way home and pull the lamp and it's toast already.  Anyway, I pulled one orange/black......I have the pics posted on the thread I'm Done With Spencer's!!!  tried a 2nd, same thing.  Didn't want the display because not sure how many hours it was run and besides I would have to take it hot and can't do that.  So I thought ok, let's try the green/black....same thing on 3!!!  So I gave up and walked out of the store totally disgusted.  That's when I decided to just make my own lamps.....I just did a pastel pink (the pink is similar to the pink that they use for breast cancer awareness) that's really nice to go with my baby blue.  I call them Little Boy Blue and Miss Pink!!!  So much more enjoyable then having to deal with foreign objects in brand new lamps and plus if I see something I don't like about my homemade lamps, I know exactly how to fix them.  I also can control the flow as I have gotten to know the Magma Tower's goo and how it performs, it's likes, temp flucs, etc.  So it's all good.  Best part, if I feel like I want a pink, voila, I make a pink!!  Honestly, the hardest part of this whole process is digging up some decent lamps to restore.  I just got 2 horrid ones off of ebay, but I made them pretty the best I could.  They are in my bedroom and are for my enjoyment only, so I really don't care about the dents too much anymore.  At first, yeah, it stressed me out terribly, but then I figured, if i'm doing this for MY enjoyment ONLY and I'm not entering any shows or my lamps aren't going in the Smithsonian, so it's all good!!  But yea, my Spencer's has lousy lamps.

Comment by Rick Gillespie on September 20, 2014 at 1:16am

Fuzzy Styrofoam thingy in the liquid huh? Was the demo the only one they had or something? 

Comment by Rick Gillespie on September 20, 2014 at 1:11am

That's cool. The closest normal size city, Jackson, is 15 miles from here which doesn't have one. But Ann Arbor has one, which is 40 miles. The trade off for the peace & quiet of a small village I guess :-) The tracking on FedEx said they traveled all night from Ohio and arrived in Belleville, MI so they're closer :-) I redid my den and are ready for them. I'll share pics and videos. 

Comment by Carol on September 19, 2014 at 9:18am

What a nice surprise Rick!!  I wanted a black/orange for Halloween but my Spencer's selection looked like crap!!  I posted a thread on here.  Fuzzy Styrofoam looking unidentifiable object in the fluid.  Rick, you know, if you have a Spencer's near you and any of your lamps come messed up, they do take returns at the store.  Mine does so I would think the policy is the same at all of them.

Comment by Rick Gillespie on September 19, 2014 at 1:40am

It's on it's way from Ohio with another one I didn't know about! A 52oz black base, orange Liquid w/Black Goo :-) Should get here Monday.

Comment by Carol on September 17, 2014 at 10:31am

Your very welcome Rick!!!!

Comment by Rick Gillespie on September 16, 2014 at 7:01pm

Good to know! Thanks for the tip.


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