Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

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Comment by MrLavaLava on March 28, 2015 at 3:55am

Now I'm curious, was it a regular color or did it come with certain lamps/editions?

Haven't seen this one before, when did Mathmos sell that neon blue, this is neither the 'normal' blue (which has been sold in every Lamp/bottle) nor the newer turquoise/light blue (Heritage and new Babys/Telstars) which Mathmos also lists as blue... but this one is phenomenal..(or maybe it is the photos again distorting the color? - i've often seen Photos and wondered about the tone/color of the lamp/goo and in reality those then came out to be stock colors - they only looked special on photo) 

unfortunately there have been longer periods, where my Mathmos Fever was put on  hold and I didn't follow the official releases...

Congratulations to your collection of Lunar replacement bottles, would you eventually sell one of them?

There are so many greatlooking bottles, saw your pics...

Clear/yellow, clear/White, clear/black, black/pink!!! ... you really got some seriously cool colors there..

Comment by Christian on March 27, 2015 at 11:40pm
No gookit, it is original Mathmos!
Comment by MrLavaLava on March 27, 2015 at 8:06pm

Killer! NEON blue? Exceptional!

Is it a Gookit?

Your purple/white looks nice,too 

would love to see the flow.......


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