Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate


Came across this glitter Table Lamp...does anyone own one? It looks a lot like the older glitter lamps with the holes on the base. I hope the image loads. In my opinion it's one hell of a good looking lamp.

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Comment by Jonas Clark-Elliott on August 1, 2021 at 11:48am

I've only ever seen the ridiculously low-quality photos. They look like the same manufacturer as the three-globe table and five-globe floor lamps, and people who've seen those say they don't look all that nice in person, cheap thin metalwork and lack-luster glitter. If they were high-quality, I can see myself buying one, as they remind me of the Crestworth (Glitterlite) and Lava-Simplex (GemLamp) table lamps, all of which are rare.


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