Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Has its dribblet stage, that's just who it is.

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Comment by VOXul on September 5, 2014 at 10:02am

It has a very interesting color set in person.  The liquid is like a crystal clear rose titanium, if you can picture it, haha, almost like some wax color leeched off into the clear fluid but also took on a metallic sheen. Hard to explain I suppose and pictures of these lamps never honor the true eye appearance. when you look at it though, with a light colored background in the dark, it has this eerie depth that I haven't seen in any other globe in person.

I enjoy the behavior of the antique wax, the way it has no rhyme or rhythm to how the lava churns around. Sometimes two vents of lava will burst from the bottom, sometimes 3. No real timing to the flow, just takes on its own life of movement. Newer lamps seem to get into a flow pattern if you will. You can watch it and know where the lava will rise from as well as how often.

Comment by Carol on September 5, 2014 at 8:31am

Yeah, what he said!!!!!  On a more serious note, that is the most gorgeous color red I have EVER seen....I luv the red lamps!!!!

Comment by Keith on September 5, 2014 at 5:21am

Why do I not have a coach lamp!!!


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