Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

This is my first silver century, I found it at a local thrift store for $7.99.

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Comment by Jonas Clark-Elliott on December 29, 2013 at 6:53am

What a great find, at a great price, with a great story! Lovely lamp, my favorite color for a silver Century too! Enjoy that pretty thing. I love white/blue in Midnights, silver Centuries, and brass Aristocrats.

Comment by Ian on December 27, 2013 at 11:08pm

LOL!! maybe! And then I come along and thwart all of their plans... I might be secretly hated, but they dont even know who I am, and I could be known as the lava lamp snatcher! Sheesh, time for me to go to sleep...... lol

Comment by Ian on December 27, 2013 at 10:45pm

Lol! Thats awesome. I always have to scan the whole store, because all of the good lamps I have gotten so far have been nowhere near the lamp section. This century was in the random knick knacks, which I suppose is an acceptable place, the wizzie was on a random shelf in the middle of the store near the xmas section, the Pumpkin was logically placed in with the halloween decor, and one of my midnights was placed in the kitchenware. Go figure. lol I always find the crappy ones in the lamp section. Its weird. I dont even understand... But whatever :) as long as I find the good ones! I never thought to look for dimmers, I will have to start!

Comment by Ian on December 27, 2013 at 9:37pm

This particular one has kind of a funny story..

Story time!

So my girlfriend and I went into m favorite thrift store, and we were looking around, and found this crappy looking china lava lamp. It was right at the front of the store, on some clear glass shelves. We looked all over the shelves for more, and we didnt see any, so we moved on. After scanning the whole store, we didnt find anything of interest, so we started heading for the main entrance. As we were heading towards the door, I turned around to look at the crappy lava lamp one last time, just on a whim. As i turn around, I see it, just sitting there on the shelf below the crappy lamp!!! This century! I freaked out and ran over and snatched it up, while I left my bewildered girlfriend standing by the door. Probably the most childish lava lamp reaction ever. Then she realized, and we were both wondering how on earth we had not spotted it before. We came to the conclusion that they had come and put it out while we were walking around the store. I was so glad I turned to look at the crappy lamp right before we left, otherwise I would never have seen this. The end. :) Moral of the story: Always Always ALWAYS double-check! And go with your gut feelings. :)

Comment by Ian on December 27, 2013 at 9:31pm

Me too! I visit them probably way too much...... They are where all of my good lamps have come from.

Comment by Kirk on December 27, 2013 at 8:21pm

Nice, and you can't beat the price!  Congratulations!


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