Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

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Comment by Carol on October 9, 2015 at 8:44pm

Kira, so sorry to hear of your cancer........but you made it!!!  That's what counts!!!  I lost a very dear and close friend and co-worker to brain cancer.  It's horrible no matter what.  So glad you are on the mend. 


I use liquid glass on my globes, but honestly it is just over priced glass cleaner.  It does shine and clear the glass a tad better then your average glass cleaner though.  I haven't tried the Windex with vinegar but I do use vinegar to clean the inside of my globes when I goo kit or do a transplant of any type.  I'll have to see if I can find that powder you are talking about.  I don't have an Amway around me but maybe it can be found online? 


I was using a hanger with a sponge attached to clean the inside of some of my globes and I think the hanger scratched the inside of my glass!!!  thank god you can't really notice it unless you get close up and really look for it, but I know it's there...uuugh!!! 

Comment by kiramarie on October 8, 2015 at 9:04am

it was stressful.. since my cancer was in the brain and they frankensteined me.. I had packed all my lamps becuase one i thought i would have to sell my entire inventory ( did sell about half ) but also because i was falling out in seizures and was more afraid to break a lamp then my body. is that a sign of a die hard lava collector.. or just crazy.. so in putting em all back in order.. some in my studio.. some in my store.. and my house.. I freaked out until every bottle, cap and base were reunited.. they all need a good cleaning.. I have this amazing product from Amway that makes the globes gorgeous.. any little light scuffs.. or weird phantom marks that no washing could ever rid.. this stuff its a compressed powder that when wet is pastey so i assume it basically buffs the glass..

Comment by Carol on September 15, 2015 at 9:12am

Haaaa, I said that in another post, fun work though.....setting up.....


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