Welcome to Oozinggoo! I have been through Los Banos many times and am quite familiar with both McDonalds and the Dairy Queen :) I think you will find our lava community here very interesting but be warned, if you have a lava addiction we are all enablers, lol
Yes that's a great colour and follows a tradition of great purpley things like: Purple Rain by Prince, Deep Purple, the Purple People Eater and of course, the Purple Metallic lava lamp by Mathmos.
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Wow! you really dig the Purple!
I used to wear my Deep Puple tee-shirt years back. I like the word purple too!
Greetings Oh purple one!
Yes that's a great colour and follows a tradition of great purpley things like: Purple Rain by Prince, Deep Purple, the Purple People Eater and of course, the Purple Metallic lava lamp by Mathmos.