Voll funktionsfähig, leichte Gebrauchsspuren. Das Wasser der orangenen hat einen ganz leichten Orange-Stich.Nur alle 4 komplett abzugeben! Abholung in der Nähe von Speyer bevorzugt, Versand ungern,…Continue
Started Sep 13, 2015
Mitfahrer gesucht! Besichtigung Mathmos in Poole, Dorset, UK (Visiting Mathmos from Germany) Hallo, ich möchte in 2013 die Fa. Mathmos in Poole besuchen und suche hierzu 2 bis 3 Mitfahrer. Auf dem…Continue
Tags: Mitfahrgelegenheit, Mitfahrer, Mathmos, Besuch
Started Apr 7, 2013
Hi Gooheads out there,I'm searching for a Fluidium Orange with shipping to Germany. If you want to sell one please leave a comment or send a message.Markus.Continue
Started this discussion. Last reply by Markus Apr 15, 2013.
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Hi Markus.
I don't really remember them wearing goggles or gloves but I do remember them wearing aprons. Probably to protect their clothing from splashes. There's no harm in wearing goggles when dealing with liquids and dyes. It's always best to be on the safe side.
Take care also when heating glass in the oven. Sometimes the glass can shatter! I'm sure you're taking precautions.
Hi Markus,
I don't think I'll be selling any of my Fluidiums at the moment - sorry!
You're welcome and thank you Markus. I know we had another Markus from Germany here a few years ago. Guess it's a fairly common name in Deuchland!
Hi Markus
Should this be a welcome back to Oozing Goo? I'm sure you were here before. Glad you're a fan of the Mathmos like myself!
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