Hello all. I was just wondering what drew everyone here initially to lava lamps, and what their experiences with them have been with owning them. I found for myself that I've always liked surreal…Continue
Started this discussion. Last reply by Critter Apr 29, 2014.
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Don't write off getting "too many more lamps" quite yet Robby. The proper lamps can help accentuate the decor of the room and why not inject some positive vibes into every room of the house?
One lamp I would recommend considering (if you have the room) is a Grande or Giant. There have been some mixed results with the new Heritage Grandes but when operating properly they are quite wonderful lamps. The starlight base helps add some style and the larger globe size is where you will find the better flow compared to 32 ounce and 52 ounce lamps. If you are lucky enough to stumble upon a US made "Giant" do not hesitate for a moment. For a US made lamp you simply will not find a better flowing lamp than a Giant.
Hi Robby! Welcome to Oozing Goo!!