Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

New Chrome Lava Lamps - Under Our Radar

chrome lava lamp bases

So why didn't anyone tell us that LavaWorld was about to come out with a new line of chrome lava lamps? As Dr.WHAT? pointed out, the release of the new line somehow slipped under our collective radar. How'd 'dat happen?!? Unlike other new product releases by LW, this time there was no press release which seems particulraly strange considering these lamps are among the coolest new products in years. So far the lamps are available in pink chrome, black chrome, copper (chrome-like finish), blue chrome and straight-up chrome. The blue and plain chrome are apparently sold out already at the two retailers we have found that are selling the new line CoolStuffCheap.com and LampsPlus.com.

Black and Clear Black Base Large Lava Lamp (40147) Blue and White Blue Base Lava Lamp (39771)
Pink and Purple Black Base Lava Lamp (40004)
Pink and White Pink Base Lava Lamp (39905)
Yellow and Purple Copper Base Lava Lamp (39793)

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Comment by Brian on January 3, 2008 at 11:05am
hey! what happened to thier copper base?
Comment by Kelly Flaskerud on December 30, 2007 at 10:43am
I'm in! :)
Comment by Brian on December 30, 2007 at 10:26am
do i sence an online petition comming? Bring it! I'll sign it. I like the flow of the 32 oz. lamps better than the 20 oz. and need to bring them back and discontinue the 20's.
Comment by Kelly Flaskerud on December 30, 2007 at 10:15am
So, send Michelle an email!! If enough of us express our desire/need for the larger lamps, they might listen. (Ever the optimist!) Happy New Year everyone!
Comment by Mark Goo on December 21, 2007 at 11:50am
Cool! Can't wait to see what you got.
Comment by Brian on December 20, 2007 at 7:23pm
LMAO a "astro nano" that was great! ya, seems like a 40w would be too hot for a 20oz. I have a 20oz. that seems to overheat easy on a 25w. I don't see how that is possible but it does. wonder if they changed to a higher temerature wax for that series if they are putting a 40w in it. I am probably talking out may ars, but was a quick thought.
Comment by Galaxy_9 on December 20, 2007 at 12:23pm
Would love to see all of the above finishes in 52oz, especially chrome and copper.But why a 20oz? At least a 32oz version would be nice!
Comment by Manix5 on December 20, 2007 at 11:13am
These do look cool. I've been to Spencers and WalMart this week and neither one had any of these yet. Anyone seen them in the store, or do you have to order them online?
Comment by Mark Goo on December 20, 2007 at 8:26am
Yeah, these are totally amazing. Just the classic shape but with the new base colors. (Can't wait to see the copper on copper glitter you are going to make Steve.) I'd like to see all these colors in the Aristocrat base, but the black chrome one is a sign that they care. Sometimes I get the feeling that LW only cares about the little lamps these days.
Comment by Brian on December 20, 2007 at 12:28am
That is sweet! Shiney!!!


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