Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

How to Change the Main Page (and be a Rock Star)

So you like the limelight? Here's how to get your blog posts featured on the homepage of Oozing Goo. Write about Lava Lamps. This website is about lava lamps (and their cousins). Not sex, not drugs, not rock and roll (well maybe a little.) If you can write about lava lamps then everyone is happy and nobody gets hurt. So bring on your ideas! What new lava lamp did you buy lately? Are you making a lamp? Tell us about it. Have you reached a milestone in your collection? Do you have a funny story about someone's reaction to our crazy obsession? Anything you can think of. Include horizontal photos

Nothing tells the story better than a photo. Remember, this is going on the main page so it's gotta look good.

The format of this site favors horizontal photos like
this one or this one. Use 'em. The dimensions are 500 pixels wide by 130-170 pixels tall. This is especially important at the beginning of your post. Here's how you get the image just right. After you upload it, you'll need to set the width. To do so, click on the icon at the right of the top menu bar - it looks like this <>. In the code, make sure that the image width and height are set to your image size. 130 to 170 yall x 500 pixels wide. Otherwise your banner will get squished.

In the rest of your story text, you can include normal-proportioned photos (square or vertical) lower down.

It's all about style, baby!

Please set your text to 10pt arial. If you write the post in Word, set the text to 10pt arial before you copy and paste it into OG (don't ask -- it's just better that way).

HINT: I always write my stories in Notepad to avoid funny formatting problems from Word.

Great! You did all that? Here's how it works. OG is run by a core group of 7 Mods who ocassionaly write blogs and search for other good blogs for the front page. If one of the Mods sees your story and likes your story, we'll feature it on the homepage. If not, try again later.

Views: 55


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Comment by Mark Goo on July 28, 2008 at 4:21pm
JohnUK and Lucy, I took this issue to a higher power and even they are baffled. Can you please explain the problem in detail to the Ning crew here:


Thanks, Mark
Comment by Mark Goo on July 28, 2008 at 12:50pm
I am working on this mystery. Lucy how long for you?
Comment by Ford Prefect - NPNG on July 28, 2008 at 12:06pm
I have had this as well John :)
Comment by Mark Goo on July 28, 2008 at 9:53am
C'mon GooHeads!
Someone please tell us something interesting!
I know you know that you know something we don't know.
Comment by Mark Goo on December 30, 2007 at 9:38am
What? No comments or questions? There's not way I covered all there is to know. Reading through this, I noticed one possible miscommunication - you can blog about anything you want - hell, it's your blog. The lava lamp blogs are the ones more likely to be featured on the Main page. Actually, I think blogging is one of the ways that we can learn more about each other. Hope that clears that up. :-)



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