Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I know it's been forever, but it's been a long journey for me. I finally found a glitter that works in the lamps I sell, found out what it's made of, found out how thick it is, found out where to buy some, and now I'm waiting to hear back from a ton of wholesale distributors. At first all I could find were manufacturers with minimum order requirements of 1-10 tons, but I finally found the distributors. Hopefully soon I can order some, but in the meantime I've ordered 12 different colors of the precut glitter that I know works in these lamps. :)

Just as a teaser though...here's a preview of some of the shapes I've been able to track down so far, over the years!


...And a bit premature, I know...I can't help it though...I'm so close!

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Comment by Marley's Ghost on May 6, 2013 at 11:44pm

A snow lamp would be awesome too!   If they get any more sparkly, they will knock our eyes out!  We love ours!!

I just thought of something today when I put my new white lava next to my orange glitter-----Big Orange Country!!

Orange and White for the University of TN Vols!!!  Yey!!! 

Comment by Loren on May 6, 2013 at 11:42pm

I only have 1 snowflake pattern, but I have found NINE in the mini size. @_@ I want to make a snow lamp!

I also want to do one that has yellow birch leaves, orange oak leaves, and red maple leaves.

Comment by Loren on May 6, 2013 at 11:37pm

Cool! Keep in mind that I can only do replacement glitter in red, orange, yellow, green, blue, aqua, teal, purple, black, pink, and gold hexagon right now, because I haven't been able to track down a supplier of the spools of uncut glitter material yet...but I'm working on it! All I can do right now is take out the default silver glitter, and replace it with the same hexagonal glitter in another color. Knowing that that works though, is encouraging. If I only had the sheets of metallized polymer, I know I could make custom glitter work. And by that I mean custom, cut to order glitter.

Comment by Keith on May 6, 2013 at 11:33pm

I think fish and dolphins in a turquoise water would be my first choice.  ;)

Comment by Marley's Ghost on May 6, 2013 at 11:18pm

Loren's glitters are beautiful and everyone needs to get him to make them one.  You won't be disappointed, believe me!!  

Ooooo, Loren, BATS, PUPS, FISH, SPIDERS, CASTLES and a GHOST!!!   I must have several more!  LOL  Get ready.

Comment by Keith on May 6, 2013 at 11:10pm

Wow, you've been busy.  I might have to consider getting a glitter ;)

Comment by Kirk on May 6, 2013 at 8:32pm

Loren - I'm excited for you!!  Please put me down for Loren glitter lamp!


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