Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Still not gotten around to photographing any more of my lamps. I have made a few more purchases and converted a friend to Lava with a lovely orange/violet Astrobaby that I found at the market.

I also picked up a wonderful bottle that will turn into a lightly complicated lamp build. I think it might be worth it though, as there i actually a chance Bhodan might not have made one already. Won't go into details as it will ruin the surprise... many month down the line that is when I actually build it.

It's Nottingham Light Night on the 19th, which I'm looking forward to. It's a night of light theme activities across the city centre. I'm going to try to get some funding to make a piece of artwork for it next year using around thirty lava lamps.

One last thing, I was watching Big (great movie) the other night and noticed including in Tom Hanks' dream apartment is a green Lava Lamp by the bed.



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