Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I have had it several years and don't even remember where I got it from. I fluid was evaporating and I thought maybe I could get it running again. After 3-4 attempts I decided the wax was any good and after the wax stuck to the sides and cleaning it there was only half the wax left. I was thinking about using some from another lava lamp. Any suggestions

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Comment by June C Flesner-Becker on April 18, 2018 at 8:26pm

Keith, Thank-you. Yes, if anyone can tell me the best way to clean it up and transfer content from another lamp let me know.

Comment by Keith on April 18, 2018 at 8:04pm

Quick answer, since some of the wax and fluid is missing, yes you can use wax and fluid from another lamp.

You will need to clean it thoroughly.  There are a few steps than should be followed to give good results.  I am unable to list those right now but will get back sometime later, or maybe another member can jump in and help.  

I mainly wanted to let you know that what you have is an Elegant Enchantress lava lamp, one of the less common types.  Definitely worth saving.

Comment by June C Flesner-Becker on April 18, 2018 at 7:37pm

Sorry about my mistakes. Having alittle trouble figuring out how to post. I decided the wax probably wasn't any good anymore. The lamp gets very hot with a 40 watt appliance bulb and the original paper work inside stated to use a 40 watt A-19 appliance bulb (before I messed with it anyway). I couldn't find one like that. I tried using both a 40 watt and a 25 watt light bulb. The wax didn't want to react much and then when it did it came up and stuck all over the sides. I tried the aluminum foil trick but that didn't work either. So I think I need to dump everything out and clean it up and start over.


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