The anxiety that consumes you, while waiting for the package. You know what I'm talking about. Whether it's from an online retailer, an eBay auction, or a trade with a Goo Head. The anticipation of a pending delivery can rival the antics of a drug addict!
It begins with the Seller. Questioning them, repeatedly, about the item being sent. Then the tracking number... Triple-checking it daily to watch it s-l-o-w-l-y progress to your destination. Finding that your package is currently sitting in a facility or truck, not 50 miles from your home... on a Saturday! You contemplate calling the carrier & driving to claim your prize, the sole reason for your current, yet temporary, OCD. You come to your senses & decide that you can wait till Monday.
Then the paranoia sets in... Is my package in a truck? Currently cooking, flowing, possibly ruining itself? How reliable is UPS (
Shattered), USPS (
Shaken), or FedEx (
Sunday night, sleep is impossible. Your mind is overloaded with placement plans, bragging rights, delusions of busted boxes...
The day has arrived, the package has not :( You attempt to keep busy, though the preoccupation of the package lingers. Running for the door, like a puppy left home alone, everytime you hear a truck within a 2 block radius, checking the tracking number... again.
Wait a minute... Is that a box? It's here? IT'S HERE! WOOT!
You gingerly carry the package to a safe spot, barely containing your Christmas-like jubilation, as you begin to open your "new" toy. The sweet moment of relief, as you discover the contents are intact. You place the beloved item in it's determined position & plug it in.
The wait is over, at least, till next time :D

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