Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

The vintage Crestworth I scored on ebay finally came

The only thing that sucks is the cap is broken. They tried to fix it by gluing the screw on cap to the metal cap. I wouldn't have a problem with it being glued if they hadn't glued it on crooked. I just used teflon tape around the thread to prevent any liquids from evaporating. Luckily all the liquids didn't drain from it. It only damped the bubble wrap, and visually it looks like nothing happened. The liquid is still above the cap line.

Views: 193


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Comment by Arne on May 21, 2021 at 2:40pm

Usually the bulb sockets dont come apart that easiely, they have sort of an inverted gearwheel inside the upper part and metal clip on the lower part so it can be screwed together when wired but not apart once its on there. In order to take it apart the clips have to be bent so they aren't stopped bu"teeth" of the upper part. So if it was taken apart those clips have to be bent back towards the outer edge or the upper part comes loose every time you wanne take the bulb out...which sucks. 

Comment by andy ross on April 10, 2021 at 4:15am

Nice lamp!

I'm afraid the bulb is likely grimed in - it may have been there 40 years...

Maybe a drop of penetrating oil?

You may end up breaking it, but no big deal - the bulb-holder is stronger metal so will be unhurt - I've had to do this several times, as I'm sure have other Brit Crestworth collectors

One trick - try turning it the wrong way a fraction first, this sometimes dislodges the blocking

Btw, if you post a photo of the cracked cap on this thread, someone may have a spare...

Comment by Keith on April 9, 2021 at 9:47pm

I don't have direct experience with those but I'm gonna say no, it shouldn't be loose at all.

Comment by Michael Strong on April 9, 2021 at 9:42pm

Yeah, turns out I was just unscrewing the base as well. I guess that works too. Is the base suppose to be that loose. By base, I mean the female end.

Comment by Keith on April 9, 2021 at 9:21pm

I think on those bulbs you have to push in while you twist.

Comment by Michael Strong on April 9, 2021 at 8:47pm

Also does anyone know how to remove the bulb? it uses a "small bayonet cap". I tried to twist and pull it out, but it won't budge. I was too afraid to pull any harder, but I would still like to know how to. They kindly included a spare bulb as well


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